[extropy-chat] On difficult choices (was: Books: Harris; Religion and Reason)
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Sat Jan 14 18:54:39 UTC 2006
On Jan 12, 2006, at 2:18 AM, Russell Wallace wrote:
> The entities exterminating us aren't aliens from outer space in
> flying saucers with force shields that can withstand a nuclear
> explosion. The terrible truth is that we already know them. MTV.
> East Enders. Zoning laws. MAs in political science.
> http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110007760
> It makes sense, of course; the one thing an exterminator meme can't
> look like is an exterminator meme, otherwise almost by definition
> it wouldn't be one. Bacteria die to penicillin; HIV, the simplest
> thing, slips by.
I read this article. Not to put too fine a point on it, I found it
laughable. Religious faith is not going to save the West and
secularism sure as hell isn't dooming it. As much as I think welfare
statism is evil and dangerous I can't in honesty lay the blame there
except as a large contributory drain on the economy and on the
character of the people. The notion that we must reproduce more
this close to Singularity is the biggest laugh of all.
What is wrong imo is that we have lost heart, lost vision, lost fire
as a people. We have lost it to enshrinement of mediocrity and it
has died from a million cuts, mostly inflicted by our own government
on us and in the world, draining away our self-respect and belief in
ourselves as a people. Civilizations decline for many reasons. But
a common denominator is that in their hearts their people no longer
believe in the goodness of the country or its ideals or if they do
then they don't believe those ideals can ever be achieved. They
become sneak thieves out to grab what they can before the house of
cards comes crashing down.
We need a new strong vision. I thought transhumanism or extropianism
might help supply it. But one of those is being shanghaied by the
Left and the other seems to doubt that creating such a Vision is even
a good thing.
In America we have dug ourselves a deep hole. Our total debts and
account payables approach $40 trillion. We have been fed too long at
the public and private level the notion that we can spend, spend,
spend our way into prosperity. We have spent. So much so that the
individual savings rate is negative and the government has become the
largest debtor nation in history. We suck down > $ 2 billion a day
of foreign money just to pay for the party. We are only a few more
missteps away form financial ruin. Our descendants are in hock
before they begin.
The threat is from ourselves to a large degree. It is from our
assumptions of superiority and of wealth without any longer paying
much attention to where wealth comes from or what it takes to create
and grow it. After the stock bubble blew followed by 911 many of us
Americans made ends meet and kept right on consuming by sucking down
easy credit and cheap money by taking cash out of our homes. So much
so that the retained equity in homes fell rapidly. We created a
housing bubble in the process that is now venting and deflating. We
spent so much energy and determination keeping that bubble growing
that we put out interest only loans and no down payment loans that
actually gave back money to the buyer. In 2005 it is estimated that
over half of the home sells had these very questionable types of
loans and that over 40% of the sales were bought not as primary
residences but on speculation that the prices would continue to
rise. Woe to the banks who hold the derivatives guaranteeing these
The key to the future is surely knowledge and education. In America
according to recent studies over 60% of college graduates are not
competently literate. China is turning out engineers and scientists
an order of magnitude faster than we are. India's college level
education is much tougher than our own and people compete fiercely to
get into the technical programs. These people of the East are
bright, hardworking and hungry. If we in the West do not wake up
from our complacency they will eat our lunch.
All of that and more has zip to do with religion or how fast we breed
or how secular our culture is or even with welfare and social
entitlement. It has a lot to do with a mixture of cynicism,
arrogance, ignorance and lack of enough courage to look at reality.
- samantha
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