[extropy-chat] death will be overcome claim yet on foresight exchange.

Ken Kittlitz ken at javien.com
Thu Jan 19 04:29:13 UTC 2006

At 10:23 PM 1/18/2006 +0000, brent.allsop at comcast.net wrote:

>I'm surprised that there is no death will be overcome claim yet on 
>foresight exchange.

There are actually a couple of relevant claims -- that you were unable to 
find them suggests that the claim search/filtering routines need to be 
improved ;-)

http://www.ideosphere.com/fx-bin/Claim?claim=Immo (Immortality by 2050)

http://www.ideosphere.com/fx-bin/Claim?claim=immort (Immortality in mammal 
by 2015)

The first claim refers to "people"; the second to mammals in general.

I don't mean to imply there isn't a need for other claims that help map out 
more of the probability space -- overcoming death is a goal that warrants 
all the best information we're able to generate, by markets or other means.

Ken Kittlitz          http://www.javien.com

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