[extropy-chat] Discovery.com website
Hughes, James J.
james.hughes at trincoll.edu
Wed Jan 25 21:40:42 UTC 2006
> Does anyone know who these folks are? The website
> http://www.discovery.org is stunning,
Discovery is the chief lobby behind intelligent design, and they provide
a fellowship for one of the chief critics of transhumanism, Wesley J.
Smith. They are also religiously, socially and economically
Not one of my favorite thinktanks.
James Hughes Ph.D.
Executive Director
World Transhumanist Assoc. Inst. for Ethics & Emerging Tech.
http://transhumanism.org http://ieet.org
director at transhumanism.org director at ieet.org
Editor, Journal of Evolution and Technology
Mailing Address: Box 128, Willington CT 06279 USA
(office) 860-297-2376
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