[extropy-chat] Discovery.com website
Herb Martin
HerbM at learnquick.com
Wed Jan 25 22:04:43 UTC 2006
> From: nvitamore at austin.rr.com
> Does anyone know who these folks are? The website
> http://www.discovery.org
> is stunning, but are they really pro-discovery or are they marketing
> discovery as a pin-up in front of their conservative views?
I would never have described their website as 'stunning',
but they certainly do seem to be touting some right wing
(perhaps far right) party line of the ignorant on ID
and "assisted suicide."
They just don't get it that ID is not science
and that how one dies is NO ONE else's business,
unless one chooses to bring someone in on it
(i.e., a physician who is willing to help.)
> Natasha
The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness would clearly indicate both doing
what one wishes with one's life AND NOT being
subjected to torture on the way out.
Choosing your own death qualifies for every
one of the big three; the liberty to choose
one's life, or end it, and to be happy as
opposed to tortured.
Herb Martin
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