[extropy-chat] HACCP for Humans... lets think of a new name for this ?
Lifespan Pharma/Morris Johnson CTO
megao at sasktel.net
Sun Jan 29 16:53:18 UTC 2006
Hazards , Deviations and Countermeasures....
-Oxidative stress and antioxidants
-Inflammation and antiinflammatories
-Immune dysfunction and modulation both suppression and enhancement,
spot and medium/long term duration.
-Symbiotic organism relationships , the concept of systemic biofilms in
colon, stomach, mouth, teeth, vascular plaque, epidermal tissues ,
dormant viral particles in cells, body appliances ( dentures, implanted
joints, heart valves).... mangement of both the volume of symbiosis and
nature of the organisms tolerated and rejected.
As Brij Verma said , there is much to be understood till the day comes
when we can be like those shepherds he talked about and drink that
contaminated water without suffering any ill effects... it did not just
happen, it was the result of a complex biological mechanism.
Of course the most important symbiotic organelle relationship we have
is with our mitochodria.
-Nutrigenomics and environmental genomic up and down regulation.
Current medicine simply cleans and sanitizes and repairs a few of the
catastrophic failures in a crude manner.
The human "plant" goes through a rapid degenerative cycle failing in a
few short decades as some fundamental hazards are
not properly dealt with and the fixes are insufficient to maintain a
"like new" condition to the "plant".
Obselescence is accepted and reproduction is the accepted response to
create cheap new replacements.
I will be bringing Raymond Kurzweil's book "Fantastic Voyage, Live long
enough to live forever"
back with me and hope the concepts it espouses evoke at least some minor
With the human body, it is first and foremost important to take the lead
and take the position of
"HACCP Coordinator" or at very least "HACCP Technician" for our body
away from the State, Goverment , Lawmakers or Health providers and
who are mostly acturarily based socio-economic risk managers and
"take ownership" of our own personal "HACCP plan"..... or we will most
certainly be statisitics just like the last 10 billion or so humans.
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