[extropy-chat] Cryonics and uploading
benboc at lineone.net
Tue Jan 31 23:16:14 UTC 2006
Slawomir wrote: "Well, we'll see if that angle makes people realize
what's going on."
I can tell you exactly what's going on. Crypto-Dualism.
"I can't believe intelligent people still don't get this" is exactly my
reaction. I can't quite believe that intelligent people are clinging to
this dualist view. All this talk of 'you' and 'your own life' is a form
of mysticism. It ignores the fact that 101001101 is IDENTICAL to
101001101. If a mind and everything in it, including all it's subjective
opinions and feelings etc., is indeed information (and we know that
information can be completely represented in a digital form), then thats
it. That's everything. There is no room left for anything else. At all.
Hence, the 'you', the 'life', the 'thread' is all in there, all
information. It's absolutely no good saying "yes, but there's still the
FLOW of that information, the link to the next brain state, etc.",
because all that still boils down to information that can be read,
recorded, and reproduced. The fact that it's rather weird to think of
there being two of you is irrelevant. It's also weird to think of a
photon being both a wave and a particle. So what.
Answers to those questions:
(Please fill the copy status for each case with either "is you" or "isn't
Case 1:
Copy is created, original still exist. Copy status is...
Case 2:
Copy is created, original brain was destroyed during scanning. Copy status
Case 3:
Copy is created, original stays around for a while and is then killed. Copy
status is...
All You! You=You. Copy You (perfect copy, includes all information
relevant to a mind) = You. Exactly as a digital copy of "All of You" IS
"All of You", no matter how many other copies exist. Saying that it's
just one "All of You" is both true and irrelevant. Any one is completely
interchangeable with any other, in every respect.
Oh, i give up.
It seems clear that the animists and the patternists here aren't going
to convince one another of their respective viewpoints. Perhaps we
should just concentrate on other things, like how an uploading procedure
could satisfy both. F'rinstance, i suspect that we may crack the issue
of neural interfacing, enabling more and more comprehensive and powerful
links between neurons and electronics, and leading to something like
Moravec's Transmigration, before we solve how to scan, destructively or
not, an entire brain, then figure out what to do with the resulting
Any opinions on that?
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