[extropy-chat] The Extropy of Cooking

Amara Graps amara at amara.com
Sat Jul 1 07:23:33 UTC 2006

"J. Andrew Rogers" <andrew at ceruleansystems.com> :
>That is a very good looking recipe, and well inline with my tastes.
>I have all the vegetables and herbs listed growing out back and am
>expecting them to be ready to harvest in abundance within the next
>few weeks.

I buy my fruit and vegetables from a man named Roberto who sells fruit
and vegetables from his truck. Four times a week he drives down the
street yelling from his bullhorn about the fruit and vegetables that he
has for sale that morning [1].   Then he parks his vegetable truck next
door to my apartment for several hours, while the apartment tenants from
all of the nearby apartment buildings buy from him their several-days
worth of garden delights. My weekly fresh fruit and vegetable bill --
about 15 euros.

We've become reasonably good vegetable friends, Roberto and me. Besides
us teaching each other Italian and English words for the vegetables that
he sells from his truck (some of which I don't recognize), he often
tells me how to prepare them and he notices when I'm away on travel
('where did you go this time?').

One morning a few months ago, I asked for one melanzane (eggplant), and
he absent-mindedly reached into the melanzane box and pulled one out.


One can't use the ID 'Argument From Banana' [2] to explain that one!

Seeing the surprised look on his face when that particular eggplant
appeared in his hand was almost worth the effort of moving to Italy.


[1] http://www.amara.com/vegetableman.mp3   (Turn volume on HIGH)

Recorded 1 July 2006 from Amara's Terrace, setting her laptop on her
apartment terrace and recording as the vegetable man drove his truck

[2] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5479410612081345878
(jump ahead 3 1/2 minutes into the program)

Amara Graps, PhD          email: amara at amara.com
Computational Physics     vita:  ftp://ftp.amara.com/pub/resume.txt
Multiplex Answers         URL:   http://www.amara.com/
"My life has a superb cast but I can't figure out the plot."
--Ashleigh Brilliant

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