[extropy-chat] Morford: Crazy Healers Enter the World
Olga Bourlin
fauxever at sprynet.com
Tue Jul 4 16:07:45 UTC 2006
From: "Amara Graps" <amara at amara.com>
> This is not a typical Morford column, slamming something with eloquence
> and flair. Instead he is full of hope (with eloquence and flair :-) ):
> http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2006/06/23/notes062306.DTL
Yes, but ... IMO this is one Morford *should* have been slamming. (Is his
hope for more "trappings?") Bastyr - along with naturopathy - exist in the
realm of pseudoscience:
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