[extropy-chat] ecliptic preferred frame
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 11 06:11:10 UTC 2006
--- Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> At 08:52 PM 7/10/2006 -0700, Stuart wrote:
> > one can clearly see that this correlation between
> >the CMB and the ecliptic is largely the result of
> the
> >motion of our own galaxy. When our own galaxy is
> >filtered out, the correlation goes away.
> Can Krauss be that dumb?
I am not saying he is dumb. Smart people make mistakes
too. I know I do. The whole blurb about the
strangeness of the CMB is but a small paragraph in a
rather lengthy discussion of the mysteriousness of
dark energy and modern cosmology. Maybe he just didn't
see the filtered data at the time he wrote it? I am
after all just giving my appraisal of the WMAP data at
the link I posted. Either NASA is purposely altering
the data to take away the spookiness or Krauss made a
> >In any case, I think it is safe to say that if
> there
> >is correlation between the angular momentum of the
> >universe and our solar system, it is far more
> >probable that the rotation of the solar system is
> >aligned to the rotation of the universe than the
> >rotation of the universe being aligned to that of
> our
> >solar system.
> Well, obviously. But if it *is* the universe, and
> not just the
> galaxy, that's startling. Look at all the photos of
> the galaxies,
> tipped over every which way.
Yes, but I stared pretty long and hard at the filtered
data and I just didn't see what Krauss was talking
about. The universe as a whole does not seem to favor
the ecliptic but I didn't use statistical analysis
software on the pixels of the microwave map either. If
there is a correlation, it is not obvious.
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
"God doesn't play dice with the universe." - Albert Einstein
"Einstein, don't tell God what to do." - Neils Bohr
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