[extropy-chat] italian football victory
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 09:46:30 UTC 2006
This is, I believe, a feature and not a bug.
I was born in Italy, Italian is my mother language, and I can find
there some good things, and of course some bad things.
But I don't feel I live in a nation. I feel I live in the little or
large town where I happen to be living, and that I live in the 3rd
planet of the solar system. I do not have more, or less, empathy, for
persons of one or another ethnic group.
I believe in local administration for local issues, and I believe in
global administration for global issues. Keeping the power at level of
granularity of nation states does, I think, much more harm than good
in today's world.
On 7/11/06, scerir <scerir at libero.it> wrote:
> First of all, the soccer World Cup
> is one of the very, very rare events
> for which Italians (even Italians living
> abroad) feel they live in a country,
> in a nation, and not just in their little
> or large towns.
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