[extropy-chat] cockroaches (was Making noise)
steven mckenzie
goldgrif at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 14 22:52:23 UTC 2006
lolol quite true
i dont hate bugs, have no problem with spiders, or
ventipedes, just roaches and mosquitoes
--- spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Robert
> Bradbury
> Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Making noise
> ... Sometimes if they mix their paint colors just
> the right way they end up
> with a very pretty new color. Other times they end
> up with yucky
> brown...Robert
> Yucky brown. There are two words that just go well
> together. Why?
> I have been pondering why people and even pets tend
> to be so squicked by
> cockroaches. They don't bite or sting, they are no
> more filthy than any
> other bug, altho they have gotten a bad rap for
> being dirty.
> It occurred to me that mammalian excrement is almost
> universally yucky brown
> (never blue, never red). So the mammalian brain may
> have evolved to avoid
> devouring things that are yucky brown. The
> cockroach is an enormously
> successful beast from an evolutionary point of view.
> We have never seen a
> pretty blue roach, or a red one or any other color
> besides yucky brown.
> Perhaps part of the cockroach's success comes from
> the cheerful evolutionary
> accident of appearing to predators as a scurrying
> turd.
> spike
> (End of random thought, and now, back to our
> originally scheduled program.)
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