[extropy-chat] Fighting mad! (was transhumanist nut jobs & transhumanism going extinct)
Natasha Vita-More
natasha at natasha.cc
Tue Jul 18 07:37:28 UTC 2006
At 04:34 PM 7/17/2006, you wrote:
>--- spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> >
>They called us nutjobs.
> >
> > > bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Samantha
> > Atkins
> > > Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] transhumanist nut jobs
> > >
> > > Using such a phrase is not a compliment. It
> > implies we are
> > > generally nuts but now and then may be onto
> > something. It should be
> > > objected to.
> > >
> > > - s
> >
> > >From the general tone of the article, it didn't
> > feel to me like an
> > intentional jab, or rather I didn't feel insulted.
> > Of course, I seldom do,
> > even if an insult is the intended, so perhaps I am
> > not the right one to ask.
> >
> >
> > Recommend we laugh it off.
>Again? How many times are we going to turn the other
>cheek while the media insults us left and right. I
>have had enough, it is time for an object lesson. I
>recommend we play tit for tat and retaliate. Not with
>some whiny little letter to the editor, however.
The responses need to come from Max More first of all. Greg Burch and
Martine Rothblatt ought to reply as well. These three individuals are
exceedingly articulate. Max and Greg are top of the line at debating
skills. Max has the position to respond. Greg is an attorney and has a
background in history. Martine is an attorney and quite skilled at the
larger picture.
I think it would be responsible to ask individuals such as Amara D.
Angelica her opinion since she may have a clearer perspective of these
types of incidents, given her experience across many fields.
No one should poke jabs, whine nor getting all out of sorts about this. It
is business and business needs to be taken care of.
Best wishes,
<http://www.natasha.cc/>Natasha <http://www.natasha.cc/>Vita-More
Cultural Strategist - Designer
President, <http://www.extropy.org/>Extropy Institute
Member, <http://www.profuturists.com/>Association of Professional Futurists
Founder, <http://www.transhumanist.biz/>Transhumanist Arts & Culture
If you draw a circle in the sand and study only what's inside the circle,
then that is a closed-system perspective. If you study what is inside the
circle and everything outside the circle, then that is an open system
perspective. - Buckminster Fuller
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