[extropy-chat] Strange News: Phelps Supporting God's Killing of American Soldiers
Keith Henson
hkhenson at rogers.com
Thu Jun 1 03:11:37 UTC 2006
At 12:58 PM 5/31/2006 -0700, Ned Late wrote:
>You are in this case entirely correct. An apology is due.
And about 3 minutes of research on the net and you would have known this.
This *should* suggests a course of action to the moderators.
Keith Henson
>However for what it is worth (which in the sum total of the cosmos is
>nothing) let it be pointed out Phelps-- unlike many religionists-- has no
>ulterior motives, what you see is what you get.
>Pointers to Fred Phelps sites are not appreciated. The man is a total
>sick nut case. His nonsense is also way outside the Baptist fold so the
>subject line is mistaken.
>- samantha
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