[extropy-chat] Two draft papers: AI and existential risk; heuristics and biases
Robin Hanson
rhanson at gmu.edu
Sat Jun 10 12:09:19 UTC 2006
At 12:33 PM 6/4/2006, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:
>These are drafts of my chapters for Nick Bostrom's forthcoming edited
>volume _Global Catastrophic Risks_.
>_Cognitive biases potentially affecting judgment of global risks_
> http://singinst.org/Biases.pdf
>An introduction to the field of heuristics and biases ...
>_Artificial Intelligence and Global Risk_
> http://singinst.org/AIRisk.pdf
>The new standard introductory material on Friendly AI.
The chapter on cognitive biases was excellent. Regarding the other
chapter, while you seem to have thought lots about many related
issues over the years, you don't seem to have worked much on the
issue I get stuck on: the idea that a single relatively isolated AI
system could suddenly change from negligible to overwhelmingly powerful.
You warn repeatedly about how easy is is to fool oneself into
thinking one understands AI, and you want readers to apply this to
their intuitions about the goals an AI may have. But you seem to be
relying almost entirely on unarticulated intuitions when you conclude
that very large and rapid improvement of isolated AIs is likely.
You say that humans today and natural selection do not self-improve
in the "strong sense" because humans "haven't rewritten the human
brain," "its limbic core, its cerebral cortex, its prefrontal
self-models" and natural selection has not "rearchitected" "the
process of mutation and recombination and selection," with "its focus
on allele frequencies" while an AI "could rewrite its code from
scratch." And that is pretty much the full extent of your relevant argument.
This argument seems to me to need a whole lot of elaboration and
clarification to be persuasive, if it is to go beyond the mere
logical possibility of rapid self-improvement. The code of an AI is
just one part of a larger system that would allow an AI to
self-improve, just as the genetic code is a self-modifiable part of
the larger system of natural selection, and human culture and beliefs
are a self-modifiable part of human improvement today.
In principle every part of each system could be self-modified, while
in practice some parts are harder to modify than others. Perhaps
there are concepts and principles which could help us to understand
why the relative ease of self-modification of the parts of the AI
improvement process are importantly different that in these other
cases. But you do not seem to have yet articulated any such
concepts or principles.
A standard abstraction seems useful to me: when knowledge
accumulates in many small compatible representations, growth is in
the largest system that can share such representations. Since DNA
is sharable mainly within a species, the improvements that any one
small family of members can produce are usually small compared to the
improvements transferred by sex within the species. Since humans
share their knowledge via language and copying practices, the
improvements that a small group of people can make are small compared
to the improvements transferred from others, and made available by
trading with those others.
The obvious question about a single AI is why its improvements could
not with the usual ease be transferred to other AIs or humans, or
made available via trades with those others. If so, this single AI
would just be part of our larger system of self-improvement. The
scenario of rapid isolated self-improvement would seem to be where
the AI found a new system of self-improvement, where knowledge
production was far more effective, *and* where internal sharing of
knowledge was vastly easier than external sharing.
While this is logically possible, I do not yet see a reason to think
it likely. Today a single human can share the ideas within his own
head far easier than he can share those ideas with others -
communication with other people is far more expensive and
error-prone. Yet the rate at which a single human can innovate is
so small relative to the larger economy that most innovation comes
from ideas shared across people. So a modest advantage for the AI's
internal sharing would not be enough - the advantage would have to be
Robin Hanson rhanson at gmu.edu http://hanson.gmu.edu
Associate Professor of Economics, George Mason University
MSN 1D3, Carow Hall, Fairfax VA 22030-4444
703-993-2326 FAX: 703-993-2323
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