[extropy-chat] Extinctions
Martin Striz
mstriz at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 02:36:27 UTC 2006
On 6/12/06, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky <sentience at pobox.com> wrote:
> Martin Striz wrote:
> >
> > Hominids in the ancestral environment faced a high mortality rate. At
> > no time was it worth planning more than a few years ahead. So when
> > they came upon a bounty, they used it up. Lottery winners spend their
> > millions in an average of 4 years.
> Got a reference for this? Sounds like a useful thing to quote.
I believe that was in Pinker's Blank Slate, although I could be wrong.
There are other evolutionary psychology corollaries to why people are
bad with money. This is a good blog post on that topic:
In short we are coalitional, heirarchical, zero-sum thinkers.
However, poor overall long term planning was my focus. There was
nothing in the ancestral environment to pressure humans to plan for
more than a year, or even with agriculture, about three years (to
rotate fields, for example). Given high mortality rates, there was
every reason in the world to use up a surfeit of resources.
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