[extropy-chat] Off-topic Personal Info.

A B austriaaugust at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 15 20:10:16 UTC 2006

  I just realized that when I wrote "I have experienced a great deal of emotional pain in my own life" a ways back on this list, that this sentence could be very easily misunderstood. It could easily be misinterpreted to mean that I had in some way been abused as a child, eg. sexually or physically. But that is absolutely *not* the case. I was never abused in any way. In all honesty, I really could not have expected a better "Family" than the one I have, on any level or in any respect. (This includes my: friends, siblings, parents, partners, and extended family). No, my problem is related to a treatment-resistant Depressive "Disorder", coupled with Attention Deficit "Disorder". (It's not fashionable to label these as Diseases. Even though the problems are obviously due to a chronic defect in the Dopamine/Norepinephrine production/activity pathway(s). Such is the pervasive stigma still attached to those with "mental problems" -  I'm supposed to be able to "will" myself out
 of my difficulties, and if I can't do that it's really just because "I don't want to"... [Grinding Teeth]  Alright, I'm done ranting for now.)  Fortunately, over time I have made significant progress toward relieving the symptoms of these problems. But even this dark cloud is not *entirely* without it's silver lining - my experiences in the past have at least given me a somewhat uncommon perspective on certain issues of morality - and I don't see that as a bad thing. (Although I would never want to go through it again, if given the option.)
  Anyway, I'm sorry if this is more information than any of you cared to know. But, seeing as how the original messages were posted to the whole list, this seemed like the only effective way to clarify any potential misinterpretations.
  Best Wishes,
  Jeffrey Herrlich 

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