[extropy-chat] Draft Paper on Boredom and Superlongevity

Charlie Stross charlie at antipope.org
Tue Jun 20 21:20:20 UTC 2006

On 20 Jun 2006, at 15:40, MB wrote:

> In my experience some people simply *are* bored. They don't do  
> anything.
> They do not or cannot or will not even amuse themselves. I fear  
> there's
> not much can be done about that - other than making resources so  
> few and
> far between that they *must* continue struggling just to survive.  
> Hard to
> be bored then! :/

Let's go one step further:

Is boredom a neurological illness, like endogenous depression?

That's an honest question -- I don't know the answer. Bear in mind  
the possibility that there may be multiple types of boredom --  
boredom due to lack of stimulus/opportunity for exploration, and  
boredom of endogenous nature, spring to mind as possibilities. Then  
again, is the emergence of boredom as a pathological condition  
something that can be accounted for via sociobiology?

-- Charlie

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