[extropy-chat] Draft Paper on Boredom and Superlongevity, just curious:)

Anne-Marie Taylor femmechakra at yahoo.ca
Fri Jun 23 04:43:37 UTC 2006

>Robert Bradbury wrote:
  >In fact, if you know how to manage it, looking at a billion or a trillion
>things (molecules, stars, etc.) actually gives you some interesting insights
>as to how the Universe functions.  Particularly when it doesn't behave as
>its supposed to (e.g. the "abnormal" supernova spotted in February).  One
>learns a lot by understanding when the "rules" are never violated and what
>the exceptions are.
Anna Replies:)
  I agree, I think that branching out of your field of interest will only generate better
  insights especially if your able to interconnect and use the information to create
  something new.  On the other hand, I think it would be hard to be able to interconnect
  if I had too many fields to deal with.  An AI will probably be able to have this skill
  which will allow it to concentrate on many areas at the same time, solving many 
  problems simultaneously but I don't believe too many humans can do that.  Most 
  humans have fields of interest. In my opinion,brilliant, is being able to
  interconnect and come up with something unique within that branch of interests.  
  I figure, a form of boredom,  would be someone that hasn't begun to formulate their
  basic interests.  
  Does that make sense or am I again sounding dazed and confused?
  (Sometimes I wonder if my mother did me a favor by sending me to french school:)
  Thanks for your time

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