[extropy-chat] String Theory: Not Even Wrong...

Amara Graps amara at amara.com
Sun Jun 25 05:50:19 UTC 2006

>Article [1] points out how theoretical physics is "hitting the wall".
>Several forthcoming books (by physicists Peter Woit and Lee Smolin) are
>going to be pointing out that the lack of testable predictions would
>represent the end of one of the most basic sciences as we know it.

This is a one-sided perspective. Valuable, but far from the whole
picture. There's at least one string theorist blogging on the
cosmicvariance blog and many more string theorist commenters. Try
reading over time all of that (Peter Woit does comment on the
cosmicvariance blog occasionally too).


(back from France. There seems to be a huge cross Atlantic effort
for Jupiter, to complement NASA's Juno mission. In twenty years there
might be multiple spacecraft in the Jupiter system.)

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