[extropy-chat] Let's try this again.

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Mon May 8 04:56:29 UTC 2006

A B Wrote:

> it's important to keep in mind, that this conclusion/idea is still *very*
> young.

Young? The idea that matter uniquely determines what we are is as old as the
hills, but discoveries in science made about 90 years ago proves this can
not possibly be true. Mr. Heartland's could have presented a stronger case
in the 19'th century than he can now, but even then the idea that the you of
yesterday could be dead and you didn't even know it would have been crazy.

> I don't deny that huge holes are missing from the argument

When there are far more holes than arguments it's time to look for another

> Let's take the conclusion and work backwards to put together a convincing
> argument, further supported by evidence if possible.

That's not the way science works, you don't decide what is true and then
look for evidence of it, you look at the evidence and then form a

  John K Clark

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