[extropy-chat] hope you can comprehend

Keith Henson hkhenson at rogers.com
Wed May 17 23:16:34 UTC 2006

At 10:45 AM 5/17/2006 -0700, Ned Late wrote:
>Unfortunately the conventional wisdom is cryonic suspension is entirely 
>purse-emptying rather than in any way life-extending. Absolutely no one 
>I've talked to outside of immortalists think anyone can ever be reanimated.

Ned, I am openly suggesting that the list ghods drop you.  You are, of 
course, entitled to any opinion you want but on this list what you said 
above is just pure troll bait.

In any case,


Keith Henson

>BTW, don't mean to put Samantha down, it's merely that sometimes people 
>appear to want to be surrogate Mommies in giving advice, advice which can 
>be beneficial to the young but not necessarily to the older-- as when one 
>reaches a certain age one tends to be set in one's ways.
> >One could eschew every and all extropian thought and still choose to 
> sign up for >cryonic suspension, because it's a matter of sheer logic 
> that if you're frozen, there is >SOME chance of you being revived, while 
> if you're buried in the ground you are >absolutely guaranteed to be gone 
> forever, barring something super-natural.
> >KAZ

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