[extropy-chat] Economic consensus on immigration

Rik van Riel riel at surriel.com
Sun May 21 20:11:52 UTC 2006

On Sun, 21 May 2006, Lee Corbin wrote:

> An Egyptologist friend of mine believes that the Egyptians did have
> a sense of national identity; but if so, they'd be an exception, so
> I agree basically with what you've written here.

So did the Greek, who united against the Persians despite
their own infighting.  The Etruskans and several others
from that era also had a national identity.

A common theme appears to be that identity is aligned with
religion, and/or other common activities.

I would not be surprised if nowadays people are more
united by which sports team they belong to or which
online community they are in, than by their nationality.

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