[extropy-chat] Agreement on principles. (was Microsoft)

nvitamore at austin.rr.com nvitamore at austin.rr.com
Mon May 22 23:20:58 UTC 2006

KAZ kazvorpal at yahoo.com :

>It's funny to watch academics and elitist-wannabes angrily declaring
>free choice to be an evil mistake, because their favorite stuff is
>constantly passed over for stuff which is objectively better, thanks to
>their personal criteria for value judgement being wrong.

>History's littered with their remains. I always go back to Beta and
>OS/2, though, as the most laughable examples of inferior products being
>touted by people with poor judgement, a few of whom stick with them to
>this day.

KAZ, Can you approach your argument constructively while leaving out the
mocking commentary?


Natasha Vitta-More
Extropy Institute, President

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