[extropy-chat] Tyranny in place
spike66 at comcast.net
Wed Oct 4 14:47:05 UTC 2006
Fred, it was a commentary I saw in the Mercury News last election cycle,
don't know where it referred. You and I live near San Jose. Can you think
of any areas, such as just south of Commercial and east of the freeway, that
you would be reluctant to enter alone? I can assure you that my home town
of Titusville Florida contains areas waaay more dangerous than that one.
Now in those areas, how do you suppose the locals will vote?
My notion is that typically any election is nearly balanced, with voters
45-55-ish split. But some areas will go 80 to 90 percent one way (think DC
again). Those areas are highly influential in the balance, because they
also tend to be very densely packed. If pollsters are afraid to go in
there, they don't get counted in exit polls.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org [mailto:extropy-chat-
> bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Fred C. Moulton
> Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 1:55 AM
> To: ExI chat list
> Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Tyranny in place
> Spike
> Do you have any hard data or references that the scenario that you
> describe actually occurs? If so how frequently? Out of how many
> pollsters?
> Please provide the references. Thanks.
> Fred
> On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 21:00 -0700, spike wrote:
> > Joseph this comment reminds me of the dilemma the exit pollsters face.
> > Those areas in which most of the voters are likely to vote to the left
> are
> > often too dangerous for pollster to enter alone. (Think outskirts of
> > Washington DC for instance.) Should the pollster carry along sufficient
> > armed protection to ensure a reasonable degree of safety, a significant
> > fraction of the local voters would be frightened away from the polls by
> the
> > presence of the police.
> >
> > I would be interested to hear if it works that way in Europe too.
> >
> > spike
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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