[extropy-chat] The Drake Equation and Spatial Proximity.

Michael M. Butler mmbutler at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 14:03:50 UTC 2006

On 10/25/06, Robert Bradbury <robert.bradbury at gmail.com> wrote:

> First, until all of the dark matter and/or dark energy is explained I
> question the assertion "we don't see a hint of it".

I can't be the first to suggest that the "Missing Mass" might, in some
funny way, turn out to be evidence (or a side effect) of our
simulation hardware...

      Michael M. Butler  :  m m b u t l e r  ( a t )  g m a i l . c o m

'Piss off, you son of a bitch. Everything above where that plane hit
 is going to collapse, and it's going to take the whole building with it.
 I'm getting my people the fuck out of here."
   -- Rick Rescorla (R.I.P.), cell phone call, 9/11/2001

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