[extropy-chat] where to go with supplementation in a post-Nick-Lane world ?

Brian Atkins brian at posthuman.com
Sun Sep 24 17:31:19 UTC 2006

I'd suggest asking around the imminst forum, which is more active regarding this 
subject. And of course read read read more on your own.

I don't expect vitamin D or many other current supplements to significantly 
affect my max LS, but that isn't why I take them. I'm just aiming to maximize my 
chances of a full normal major-disease-free LS. This along with cryonics and 
some other commonsense measures represent my attempts to maximize my chance of 
benefiting from expected powerful future technologies.

We're living in a time where more helpful new things tend to become available 
almost like clockwork. But you still have to seek them out, stay up to date, and 
decide whether to make use of them as they become available. The strategy of sit 
back and just "eat healthy" may not be the best idea over the coming years as 
more and more powerful techniques become viable. On the other hand of course 
when it comes to new drugs and therapies, being the very first adopter may also 
not be optimal due to incompletely known risk profiles. Your appetite for these 
risks may depend on your age. If I was older I probably would lean more towards 
being an early first adopter... for now I'm more in the middle of the pack.
Brian Atkins
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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