[extropy-chat] Rapid prototyping makes police state more likely

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 11:59:10 UTC 2006

Robert Bradbury commented:
> 1. I consider there to be a significant non-zero probability that one path through
> the singularity involves police state(s) or AI overlord(s) effectively imprisoning its
> population to prevent non-state ("world") managed solar system development (or > interstellar travel).

Ralph Cerchione writes in his Future Imperative blog:

Fire and Forget -- Automating the Construction of Our Automated Weapons

New Scientist reports on Lockheed Martin's unmanned aircraft, the
Polecat, which is partially manufactured from "printed" parts.
The article notes:
   ...the Polecat unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a 28-metre flying
wing, weighing four tonnes. It was designed in part to test cheaper
manufacturing technologies.

Ralph comments:
'What does that mean for the rest of us? On the one hand, even more
advanced weapons could end up in the hands of the world's very worst
people. On the other, those of us who have access to such technologies
in the advanced world will soon be in a position to manufacture more
and more complex products and equipment, thus reducing our dependence
on global supply chains and enabling innovative people and companies
to turn inventions and refinements into reality with a simple change
of the digital plans in our Fab Labs and RepRaps. (Slang for
replicating rapid prototyping machines.)'

My comment:

This points out the contradiction facing civilization in the very near future.
Desktop labs and garage manufacturing give great power to individuals
and small groups. Power for both good and evil.

If governments allow this, (Can they stop it?), I see life developing
into the same sort of ongoing arms race that Windows users currently
face to keep viruses, spyware and spam out of their computers.  Except
that we will be facing the real life (TM) attacks of disease viruses,
mini attack devices, mini spy devices, tracking and eavesdropping of
every variety, etc. etc. coming from every disgruntled group,  nutter
and script kiddy.


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