[ExI] A new low

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Fri Dec 21 16:08:39 UTC 2007

"Exciting! The only problem was: The contents of what was being
communicated was so amazingly trivial and petty it started to make me
feel physically ill.

"All that technology, billions of messages, instant - always on
communication, .........

and it's all total bollocks!

That's progress. The triumph of the inane."

Is it new or just a passing trend? The young generation spending more 
time with cellular phones or texting billions of messages are the 
effects of post modern society immersed in instant gratification or the 
feeling of "high" as in drinking starbucks coffee in every street 
corner in the U.S.

Addiction is not a sign of progress imho. but a sign of a sick society 
that values instant pleasures over everything else. No wonder the U.S. 
is lagging behind in the capability to improve education on science and 
critical thinking.


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