[ExI] Asteroid on track for possible (probability of 1:25)Mars hit

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Dec 31 06:27:27 UTC 2007

> bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Ian Goddard

> Subject: Re: [ExI] Asteroid on track for possible (probability of
> 1:25)Mars hit
> Kevin H wrote:
> > Sorry to interrupt, the question on what to do with
> > such an object when we find it is also interesting
> > and valuable.  I just wanted to put my two cents
> > in.
>  Some do have the attitude that a third person can
> intrude in a dialog between two on a list. ... ~Ian
> http://IanGoddard.net

All commentary on ExIchat is public domain.  Anyone who wants, do feel free
to toss in your two cents or as many cents as you wish.  This is the beauty
of the chat group medium: anyone can choose to read your unspecified number
of cents or pass it over, nothing is taken away from the original
discussion; it is not analogous to interrupting a real-time sound based
discussion.  If one's comments are smart and insightful, they add to the
original discussion.

We have seen the odds change from 1 in 75 to a delightful 1 in 25.  Is there
a central clearinghouse, or anyone who knows where to find info as soon as
it is available?  Is there a betting site anywhere analogous to ideas
futures on this?  Amara?



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