[extropy-chat] String theory testable?

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 20:19:54 UTC 2007


I've never felt encouraged that the extra dimensions of string theory
would be detectable/accessible from our "dimensional level" of
reality.  My (barely dilettante-level) impression was that
substantially more energy (orders of magnitude?) would be needed to
"blast open" the subject "extra-dimensional" structures than was
available using current particle-physics high-energy collision gear.

So the following article --hope it's more than fluff -- came as a
pleasant surprise:

Physicists find way to 'see' extra dimensions

The researchers use the big bang itself to provide the requisite
energy, and the heavens themselves as the data recording "device".
Gives new meaning to the credo of proto-extropians past:

"A sentient being's reach should exceed ver grasp, or what's a heaven for?"

Robert Browning (mostly)

Best, Jeff Davis

               "Everything's hard till you
                     know how to do it."
                              Ray Charles

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