[ExI] Australian Aborigine Communities Awash in Abuse

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Sun Jul 29 05:52:24 UTC 2007

The article at


provides a description of a common historical event.  An "inferior" or
weaker culture disintegrates when placed in contact with a stronger
one.  This is also exactly why many overseas Muslims fear America
so:  America is the embodiement of a huge panoply of disrupting
and degenerate cultural influences.  That's why the U.S. is explicitly
"The Great Satan", the tempter, and not described as some ordinary

"In response to the report, the government announced it will ban
alcohol, confiscate pornography and withhold welfare payments
from families who fail to make sure their children attend school."

So what's new in their culture?  Drugs?  No, although alcohol is
probably much more potent and certainly is unfamiliar (and so
would take many generations to accomodate to).  Pornography?
Probably not.  School?  Certainly.   Traditionally it was the
*families* that decided, not governments.


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