[ExI] will as essence

gts gts_2000 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 24 13:31:25 UTC 2007

> ...Benjamin Libet and others showed that the conscious
> experience of willing an act lags by some 200 to 500 millisecs the  
> brain's activation of the relevant volitional processes...

The real significance here I think, (and to underscore something I wrote  
last night), is that this result suggests very strongly that the will does  
not inhere in the intellect as one might otherwise have assumed. The will  
and the intellect can and should be considered separately. And somewhat  
counter-intuitively the intellect does not drive the will; instead, the  
will drives the intellect, just as Schopenhauer told us some 190 years ago.

Now, thanks to Damien and Libet above, we know the will drives the  
intellect with a ~200 to ~500 millisec lag.

As I wrote to Jef in the identity thread, the will is not a model or an  
abstraction. The will is real and it's live and it's sitting in the  
driver's seat. So I hang my hat on it.


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