[extropy-chat] War Is Easy To Explain - Peace is Not
Lee Corbin
lcorbin at rawbw.com
Tue Mar 13 02:43:38 UTC 2007
Keith writes
> And *why* is there utility? I.e., why do people fight wars at all?
Isn't it EXTREMELY OBVIOUS why human groups fight wars
and have conflicts???
It was obvious even before E.P.
If you want to explain something, explain why
1. people join anti-war marches designed to *weaken*
their own side's prospects while an actual war is
going on!
2. why people cannot control their own envy towards
those better off than they are, even though they've
grown up seeing envy in all its ugly manifestations
all their lives!
3. why humans are the peaceful primate, i.e., why per
thousand hours of ethnological observation, humans
are vastly, vastly more peaceful than any other primate.
4. why there has been a uniform decrease of warfare per
living human being during the course of history
Those really demand explanation.
And that's just four mysteries I have for you. There are
plenty more mysteries. But why war or inter-group conflict
exists, or why people compete, certainly are not among them.
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