[ExI] benefits of USA War???

Morris Johnson mfj.eav at gmail.com
Thu May 3 01:56:55 UTC 2007

For discussion purposes I'm going to troll and speculate on the war

Higher energy costs are diverting billions into the hands of energy related
capital market liquidity.
Energy independance is creating the new farm program which is based on
subsidizing biofuels
instead of wheat and corn.
Biofuels companies all know they have a dead horse without these subsidies
so will
innovate up the value chain to complex bio products for industry, chemical
nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and so forth.
The capital market wil drive genetic modifications to create ever more
effecient production of the raw materials , microbial and processing
plant network capabilities.

The security and AI spinoffs may be the first military AI built to digest in
real time all
web connected data, public, and private, encrypted or not.

The war is driving more greenhouse gasses into circulation and make the need
robust long range global meterological planning hardware and software.
Perhaps weather modication technology including satellites are next.

These are things industry and the free market might be too risk averse and
to capitalize at such a rate if the direct order to get it done regardless
of  the costs
was not backed by an open military expenditure checkbook.

The sad thing is that instead of 60% profit the 60% is human death and
property destruction
and cultural genocide..but hey I'll leave it up to the rest of you to put
the positive spin on those.....

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