[ExI] How to be copied into the future?

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Thu May 3 17:41:43 UTC 2007

Heartland, High Priest of the Unique Atom and Sacred Original Cult Wrote:

> it's the trajectories that are unique, not the atoms (possibly being
> replaced each hour) traveling along these trajectories.

In the first place space time trajectories are not unique; their shape
depends on the reference frame observing them. But forget that, the
trajectories must be trajectories of SOMETHING, it can only be of atoms and
if atoms are not unique as you say above then how in the world can their
trajectories be unique? And if they are so important why is it so easy to
erase them from the universe just by cooling the atoms?  And just what
atomic trajectories are important and what ones are not, when I take a piss
are those atoms still important, do I still have to calculate all those piss
trajectory atoms to figure out if I'm still me? And what exactly is the
connection between those atomic space-time trajectories and subjectivity?
You say it is of supreme importance in providing us our sense of who we are,
but don't say why, nor to you say how you figured this out, you don't even
give us a hint as to why one should have the slightest thing to do with the

John K Clark

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