[ExI] [extropy-chat] Changing Other Poster's Minds

Samantha Atkins sjatkins at mac.com
Fri May 4 06:24:59 UTC 2007

On May 3, 2007, at 9:32 PM, spike wrote:

> Fred, something I left out of my post is that religion for me was an
> extremely positive experience.  I cannot even think of a negative  
> part of
> it.  The family aspects of religion, my friends, the music, the  
> scholarly
> aspects, all of it was good to me, more positive for me than for  
> anyone else
> I know.  I loved my church and my church life.  My friends and  
> acquaintances
> were absolutely astounded that I could ever give it up, thought I  
> had gone
> insane.  I had gone sane however.  I had no choice: I realized I  
> could not
> control what I believe, and I no longer believed the doctrine to be  
> true.
> True matters more than happy.

I know very much what that is like.   It was very difficult for me to  
let go of my religious life.   But try as I might, and I tried mighty  
hard, I couldn't make it out to be true.   I also could not abide the  
places of blindness within my religious community to much outside of  
importance and value.

> So, into the old bit bucket with it, all of
> it.  I miss it to this day I confess.

There are considerable parts that I miss too.

- samantha

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