[ExI] POL: DHEA ban

Samantha Atkins sjatkins at mac.com
Sat May 5 17:41:07 UTC 2007

On May 5, 2007, at 9:29 AM, BillK wrote:

> On 5/5/07, Technotranscendence wrote:
> <snip>
>> As a general question to you:  Do you see any scope for free  
>> choice at
>> all in life?  Or does it all come down to whatever the politicians  
>> tell
>> you is okay?
> The general principle I follow is that society should help the weaker
> members of society.

What does that, poor as that principle imho is, have to do with  
DHEA.  DHEA is chemically a precursor to testosterone and estrogen  
type hormones.  Supplementing it gets converted to these hormones as  
appropriate.  The general dose taken is pretty low.  It has been  
taken by many people for very many years so it is extremely doubtful  
there are any substantial risks.   I take and have taken a very small  
amount of DHEA for over a decade.  It definitely helped and was  
easier on my system experientially and financial than the  
subscription alternatives.   Having made an informed choice and  
talked to my doctor about it I do not believe that a non-entity like  
"society" has any business butting in.

If the above "principle" means that everyone is to be forced to live  
in such a way that the "weaker members" are safe then no thank you.   
I am not such a member myself and I refuse to be forced to live as if  
I am.  It is the same "principle" as boring bright kids out of their  
mind in school because the "weaker" minds must be catered to.

- samantha

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