[ExI] We Need a Movie, People!! Dammit!

Richard Loosemore rpwl at lightlink.com
Sun May 6 16:03:29 UTC 2007

Are you kidding?  They will crucify you.

The best money-making take on the idea of transhumanism is that what the 
transhumanists want to do is turn all humans into Borgs, or keep people 
in vats so they can feed off their essential juices (what was that 
garbage film again?  Oh, yeah, The Matrix).

Whatever script you come up with, whatever positive spin you put on the 
great transhumanist future, the movie that comes out of it will be the same.

And besides, which version of the future are you going to portray?

A few years back I started producing a story designed specifically to 
convey the idea that the singularity could (would inevitably) have a 
positive, beneficial outcome.  If I had supreme exective power I could 
make it into a movie beneficial to the community, but, alas, they 
stopped selling tins of supreme executive power at my local supermarket, 
so I shelved the idea.

Richard Loosemore.

A B wrote:
>  A while back I suggested that someone NEEDS to make a
> pro-Transhumanism, pro-Singularity fictional
> (hollywood quality) movie in order to help spread the
> memes to the masses who are less reading-inclined. I
> was a little disappointed that there apparently wasn't
> much interest in getting something started (Except by
> maybe one or two people possibly). But I still think
> this would be a great, highly-leveraged opportunity to
> do some real, tangible good. Now personally, I pretty
> much SUCK at writing fiction, I'd probably be no
> better than average. But if *no-one* else, is
> interested, I'm going to *attempt* to start writing a
> free-of-charge screenplay. But without any help, the
> result could be pretty abysmal. Would someone else
> here *please* consider taking up the reigns entirely,
> or at least collaborating if they don't want to do it
> by themselves? Heartland, might you be interested,(I
> recall that you replied to the original post)?
> SINCERELY and with Best Wishes,
> Jeffrey Herrlich  

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