[ExI] how would Transhumanists cope if the Singularity did not happen in their lifetime?

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Tue May 15 18:51:34 UTC 2007

On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 04:41:55PM +0100, Russell Wallace wrote:

>    Okay, look at the SPEC benchmarks, which use real-world code.

SPEC is largely useless for AI (and there's no Singularity by 2030 without
AI, to come back to the start of the thread).

(way too optimistic, because not memory-bottlenecked).

>    What do you think actual performance does, remains constant? increases

It depends on your application, of course. 


A little bird told me that AI doesn't fit into predictable memory 
access, and is memory-bottlenecked, given today's architectures. 

>    arithmetically?


Take the blue pill, not the red one.

To not be a party-pooper. I'll grant you that aggregated TOP 500 is quite 
impressive, but it's not a direct function of Moore. I'll also grant you that 
the integration density (which is all Moore is about) represents a potential 
performance, currently locked in a suboptimal configuration.

When we make predictions, we need to make sure they're not based on
cherry-picked best case. Orelse our future model is faulty, and it
will come and bite us in the butt. Hard.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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