[ExI] here's what i wrote to the palo alto daily news

spike spike66 at comcast.net
Tue May 22 00:42:15 UTC 2007

Editors of PA Daily News, PAPD, et.al,

Yesterday's headline was most disturbing.  "Police: Former Palo Alto man
threatened to bomb church's headquarters."

Keith Henson did nothing of the kind.  The Church of Scientology alleges
that there was such a threat, but an investigation of the circumstances
shows otherwise.  There was an ongoing discussion on
alt.religion.scientology in which Henson supplied the GPS coordinates of the
Scientology headquarters.  In another posting, Henson mentioned the term
Cruise missile, in a humorous reference to perhaps the most famous
scientologist Tom Cruise.  From those two pieces of information, church
officials jumped to the stunningly illogical conclusion that Mr. Henson
owned cruise missile, and from there accused Henson of having threatened to
bomb the headquarters.  

The notion that a reference to Tom Cruise indicates personal ownership of a
cruise missile is so far beyond merely absurd, it's description begs for
still more extreme adjectives.  Yet the court-dismissed accusation was in
the headline of Sunday's Palo Alto Daily.  In the interest of accuracy and
justice, do rectify the Daily's apparently serving as a megaphone for the
Church of Scientology against one of its own citizens.

spike Jones

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