[ExI] [humor] Tipler destroys realm?

scerir scerir at libero.it
Tue May 22 19:56:06 UTC 2007

Eugen (speaking of Limbo):
> This stuff just cracks me up.
> Even Xenu doesn't get any weirder.

'Tis a strange place, this Limbo! -- not a Place,
Yet name it so; -- where Time & weary Space
Fettered from flight, with night-mair sense of fleeing,
Strive for their last crepuscular half-being;'
[-Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 'Limbo']

Btw, it seems that Frank Tipler published
a book ('The Physics of Christianity',
Doubleday, 2007) even weirder than Limbo,
and Xenu.

A review, by Victor Stenger

Another one by Lawrence Krauss (New Scientist, 12 May)
[I have the full review, and I can send it]

Btw-btw, recently Tipler wrote a paper
about intelligent life in the Universe,
and Fermi paradox

and another (Tegmarkian) paper about the
structure of the world from 'pure numbers'

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