[ExI] Indoor or Underground Lighting

Andrew Burrows andrewcburrows at hotmail.com
Mon May 28 09:20:55 UTC 2007

Lee wrote: "Does humanity at the present time have the ability to make
me think---at least when I'm looking down at my own
shadow---or to make it appear to me that I'm in natural
lighting, e.g., that there is something overhead that has
the same textures and frequencies of light, and that some
small part of an artificial sky has been well done?  (After
all, the simulation may be of me walking down an alley
in a big city.)".

Seasonal affective disorder(SAD) is a condition that depresses mood during 
times of low lighting (during winter months). Possibly it has a connection 
with hibernation in some mammals.
Treatment for this disorder is done by exposing the subject to full spectrum 
lighting. See: http://www.lighttherapyonline.com/ . While not a perfect 
replica of sunlight as it doesn't emit ultraviolet radiation, it does delude 
the body into thinking that it is real sunlight.

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