[ExI] Unfrendly AI is a mistaken idea.

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Mon May 28 20:21:47 UTC 2007

"Lee Corbin" <lcorbin at rawbw.com>

> I sincerely apologize.  That last slam was needlessly defamatory

Not at all, there is absolutely no reason to apologize! I didn't take
offence, not even a little. I still think you're a fine fellow, you're dead
wrong of course but still a fine fellow.

> I have a hunch that many such impressions are stored "emotionally".

I have a similar hunch.

> as you say, emotions apparently *can* facilitate computation

Indeed they can. I think it would be imposable to make an unemotional AI,
but even you admit it would be harder to make an unemotional AI than an
emotional one. So guess what sort of AI the very first AI (the mega
important one) will be.

> nature found that under many circumstances people survive better when
> insane.

That I can not agree with. I would define someone insane if their belief
system was diametrically contradictory to reality. By that definition all of
us are a bit mad, but I like to think I'm 51% sane. I may be deluding

> Suppose that some kind agency resurrects me in the far future, but does so
> under in such a way that I'm slightly different in that I bestow upon it
> my unconditional love and obedience.

To make this example more accurate, suppose you awaken and find you have
pledged unconditional love and obedience to a particularly ugly and a
particularly stupid sea slug. That is the horrible fate you are wishing on
our noble and brilliant AI. That just isn't right.

  John K Clark

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