[ExI] My confusion, the Kurzweil critique

Harvey Newstrom mail at harveynewstrom.com
Fri Nov 9 01:39:37 UTC 2007

> Anna asked "what does Transhumanism mean to you?".

To me, "transhumanism" is an unfortunate word.  Because it implies becoming
non-human or transcending my humanity.

I like being human.  I like to laugh.  I like to live.  I like being healthy
and happy.  Getting sick and/or dying prevents me from enjoying my human

So for me, transhumanism is all about eliminating limits on my humanity.  It
is about being more human.  It is about staying human.  It is about enjoying
my humanity for a long time without having it cut short.  It is about
avoiding disease or frailty that disrupt my humanity.  It is about
transcending limits that limit my human form to its current shape, its
current mode, or its current location.

Humans love to explore.  If we go to the stars, we will be spreading this
human pursuit farther than ever before.
Humans love to think.  If we learn to think with machinery, we will be
thinking human thoughts much faster than ever before.
Humans love to live.  If we learn to live longer or indefinitely, we will be
extending this human life much longer than ever before.
Humans love to adapt.  If we learn to adapt to different shapes or different
modes of living, we will be extending human experience far wider than ever

Transhumanity is more humanity.

Harvey Newstrom 

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