[ExI] My confusion, the Kurzweil critique

Harvey Newstrom mail at harveynewstrom.com
Sat Nov 10 01:46:18 UTC 2007

Stathis Papaioannou wrote,
> Do you really think that the entity you would become if you 
> lived a million years would be recognizably human?

Not to you now, no.  But to me in a million years, yes.  I would see myself
as human.

I see myself as more human today than homo erectus was when they were
humans.  I see myself as more human today than the baby that I was born as.

Furthermore, I define all my good traits that I want to improve as "human"
traits.  My intelligence, humor, creativity, and all other traits in which I
am superior to monkeys, are what I term "human" traits.  These are all (or
mostly) good, and I wish to improve them.  I define all my bad traits that I
want to discard as "monkey" traits.  My mortality, sickness, fragile meat
body, limited meat brain, uncontrolled animal emotions, and all other traits
in which I am equivalent to monkeys, are what I term "monkey" traits.  These
are all (or mostly) bad, and I wish to improve them.

This is merely a semantic distinction.  The terminology of whether that
future human is "human" or "inhuman" depends on whether you group the good
traits or the bad traits under that label.

Harvey Newstrom 

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