[ExI] pentagon wants orbiting solar power stations

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Tue Nov 13 00:49:17 UTC 2007

I know I'm a little behind the times but I just found this post hiding on my
hard drive.

Long long ago in a galaxy far far away, on a day geologists call Tuesday
October 16, 2007, Eugen Leitl wrote something. In that long long distant
era when we were all young and innocent a man by the name of
Eugen Leitl, a very smart fellow, not quite as smart as me in my perhaps
very slightly biased opinion but who was nerveless pretty goddamn
smart, wrote:

> It's not about rereading posts. It's about you  selectively picking out
> the irrelevant parts of the conversation, and focusing on them, and
> nothing else

Eugen I fully admit I am entirely guilty of doing exactly precisely what you
accuse me of doing. Perhaps it is genetic, perhaps it is environmental, I
don't know, I don't care, all I know is that although you think it is
despicable I rather like that aspect of myself. I like it a lot actually. I
have many very serious flaws, but I would stake my life on the fact that, in
whatever world you care to dream up, that is not one of my flaws.

And Eugen, if what I am responding to is totally irrelevant then why on
Earth did you include it in your original post?

  John K Clark

gen at leitl.org> Wrote:

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