[ExI] Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Tue Nov 13 08:42:10 UTC 2007

Max wrote:

>> I quite enjoyed it

Damien wrote :

> More than I can say. I gritted my teeth and soldiered on.

I read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance back when I was
a teenager, a distant alien era where giant reptiles ruled the earth. 
At the time I quite liked the book, but today even if you put a gun 
to my head I don't think I could tell you much about it, except that
Pirsig likes excellence. But then, who doesn't like excellence? 
I haven't read the book in many years but I suspect I would be 
less impressed with it now than when I was a kid.

> In those  days I tried to finish everything I'd started.

I retain that flaw to this day, by page 50 I know the book sucks but I
bought the damn thing so I feel I must finish reading the entire stupid
thing. The most horrible example is when I thought I should read the
Lord of the Rings. I started the first book and learned that Clogknee,
chief of the Bustalator people who comes from across the Onrobonob
river beyond the Dyphlesator mountains on the planes of Diplet in
the land of Fustalator near the forest of Sphincter which in the elfin
tongue is called Whogivesadamn wrote: ah, he wrote something but
I can't recall exactly what. It was painful but I finished book 1.
I was smart enough not to start book 2 or 3.

 John K Clark

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