[ExI] Another breakthrough paper!

hkhenson hkhenson at rogers.com
Wed Nov 21 18:01:55 UTC 2007

At 10:25 AM 11/21/2007, John K Clark wrote:
>On June 7 of this year I remarked that a scientist had found a way to get
>embryonic stem cells from the skin of an adult mouse. I concluded my post
>with "It hasn't been done with human cells yet but I'll bet it won't be
>long". Boy was I ever right, it only took 4 months!

That's a strong tendency showing up recently.  Feedback from better 
tools and better understanding of the problems have been speeding up 

>  http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/11/071120092709.htm
>This could really be revolutionary, it's a cheap and easy way to get
>personalized embryonic steam cells, immune rejection will not be a
>problem, and even the Bible thumpers can't find anything to complain about.

Don't bet on it. First time someone produces a human clone from one 
of those cells, what are they going to say about the casual use of 
millions of them to repair a heart? Murderer!


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