[ExI] Evolution is not random,...

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Nov 27 03:12:20 UTC 2007

bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of kevin at kevinfreels.com
Subject: Re: [ExI] Evolution is not random,...
>That's not to say that the ability to breath CO2 wouldn't come to our
descendents. Just that to get there would require many other changes over
many other alleys to get back to that point...Dan

Dan, the ability the breathe CO2 will not come to our descendants.  CO2 is a
ground state chemical, which is to say you need to put energy into it to
make anything else.  Likewise with water.  Plants metabolize CO2 at an
energy loss in order to get the carbon for basic building materials.  We
animals of course get our carbon and energy by devouring the plants.  Such a
deal!  It is said that blondes have more fun, but I consider that overly
specific, for all members of the animalia kingdom have more way fun than the
plantae, protista, fungi or monera.  Being an animal is but one more thing
for which we can be thankful, ja?  {8-]


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