[ExI] Honesty and Passion

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 15:09:38 UTC 2007

On Nov 28, 2007 12:47 AM, Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> The English upper middle class (I gather) solve this by making the
> phrase entirely phatic. Person A extends a hand and says politely,
> without stress, "How do you do." Person B lightly shakes the
> proffered hand and replies "How do you do." No question marks or
> rising intonation, and certainly no medical or financial disclosures.

perhaps implied, "How do you do [a greeting]" is (as you said)
politely and according to the local custom, met with the expected
example of the handshake and the phrase is returned.  The variants of
"acceptable" handshake across cultures or even from person to person
is both subtle and revealing.  If the grasp is too weak or to strong,
your expectation is probably set for the rest of your meeting with
that individual.  This custom is a ritualized form of physical
contest.  Of course we're too "civilized" to see it like that.

> In the States it seems to go like this:
> "How are you?"
> "Fine, how are you?"

Same contest, but the status in question is mental health rather than
physical health.  (How [sane] are you?)  Any answer other than the
expected "Fine" or "OK" makes one wonder what your deal may be.
(Sorry Lee :)

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